January 12th, 2025

Bible Study  - 9:30 a.m.

Devotional Reading
Mike Hartline
Kevin Reichard
Boomer Bible Study
Main Auditorium
Teacher - John Kerr, Topic-Acts
Youth Bible Studies
Downstairs Classrooms
Gen X - Z
Haugh Hall
Mike Smith - Topic - The Story

Worship - 10:20 a.m.

Prayer for the Sick
Ray Smith
Kevin Reichard
Kevin Reichard
Scripture Reading
Colossians 3: 15 - 17
Mike Glinkerman
Opening Prayer
Wayne Brosius
Kevin Reichard
The Cost of Selling Out
by Mike Smith
Invitation Hymn
Kevin Reichard
Communion Hymn
Kevin Reichard
Ernie Kunselman (speaker), Ethan Jones, Wayne Brosius, Bill Fiscus, Tim Holibaugh
Ethan Jones
Closing Hymn
Kevin Reichard
Closing Prayer
Mike Hartline

Wednesday Bible Studies

7:00 pm Bible Study
Main Auditorium
Subject - Luke 1
7:00 pm Youth Classes
Downstairs Classrooms
Wednesday Evening Devotional Leader
Bill Fiscus


Potluck Dinner

January 19th after morning services.

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Magi Project

We are in the collecting stage of the MAGI project. We will be organizing and packing boxes after the first of the year. If you would like to donate items please reference the MAGI list.

Kerr's Korner

Who Is Responsible?

By John Kerr

The fires in Los Angeles headlined most of the news last week.  It may well continue to be the headline as you are reading this.  The devastation goes way beyond what cameras and televisions can portray.  Why did this happen?  How did this happen?  Why wasn’t someone prepared to stop it?
            Now the “blame game” kicks into high gear.  Who is at fault here?  The local politicians blame the fire chief.  The fire chief thinks she will probably get fired (no pun intended here) because she blamed the mayor on national television.  They had a video of a mother insistently blaming the governor as he stood by a large black SUV.  He informed this poor woman that he was commiserating with her and had the President on the phone at that very moment.  The governor blamed the local officials.  The populace blamed everybody.

            I am reminded of Harry Truman’s famous motto, “the buck stops here” — which was inscribed on a thirteen-inch sign that sat on his Oval Office desk.  That is quite a saying for the man who gave the orders to drop the atomic bombs on Japan.  He did accept responsibility for that decision.

            People like to blame Adam and Eve for sin in this world.  They did sin and get ejected from the Garden of Eden, but Paul says all of us have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.  If we were the first people, then we would have been the first to sin.  Romans 5:12 Therefore, just as sin entered the world through one man, and death through sin, and in this way death came to all men, because all sinned—.

            By God’s grace the One who never sinned took the blame for our sin when he was nailed to the cross.  In turn he gave us his righteousness.  II Corinthians 5:21God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God.

Wayne's  Wacky Words

Freetoes - Toes on a person who never wears shoes or socks. If this causes a hardening or thickening of the skin, Frito Lay will just package them as corn chips! 


Health needs

Mary Ellen Smith
Resident at Jefferson Manor. In addition to prayers, calls and visits are appreciated.
Sally Smiley
Resident at McKinley (rm 323). In addition to prayers, visits are sure to bring a smile to both Sally and your faces.
Landon Fawcett
Chronic illness that causes tumors throughout his body.
Riley Family
Recent passing of Lance
Bev Stover
Jade Yaros
Tina Long
Upcoming medical testing (throat test).

Happy Birthday!

01/17- Chris Shovestull

Serving Next Week 01/19/25

AM Opening Prayer-Andy Tommelleo
AM Closing Prayer-Dean Smith
PM Opening Prayer-Ray Smith
PM Closing Prayer-Bill Fiscus
Wed Devo-Tim Holibaugh

Serving the Lord's Table for January
Ernie Kunselman (speaker), Ethan Jones,        Wayne Brosius, Bill Fiscus, Tim Holibaugh

Devotional Reader
Mike Hartline

Prayer Request Leader
Ray Smith

Worship Training Center

Communion Care
Diane Fiscus


Livestream (A/V)
Jan Kerr & Amanda Smith

Happy Anniversary!

None this week.

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