July 21st, 2024

Bible Study  - 9:30 a.m.

Devotional Reading
Wayne Brosius
Wayne Brosius
Boomer Bible Study
Main Auditorium
Teacher - Bill Fiscus, Topic-Acts
Youth Bible Studies
Downstairs Classrooms
Gen X - Z
Haugh Hall
Teacher - Mike Smith, Topic - Forgiveness

Worship - 10:20 a.m.

Prayer for the Sick
Bill Fiscus
Sermon Preview
John Kerr
Lift Him Up
Wayne Brosius
Just Over In The Gloryland
Wayne Brosius
Scripture Reading
James 2: 14-19
Mike Glinkerman
Opening Prayer
Andy Tommelleo
The Greatest Commands
Wayne Brosius
"Obey The Commandments"
John Kerr
Invitation Hymn
I Am Mine No More
Wayne Brosius
Communion Hymn
Lead Me To Calvary
Wayne Brosius
Wayne Brosius (speaker), Kerry Stover, Mike Glinkerman, Kris Smith, Eddie Smith
Church Highlight
No Highlight Today
Ethan Jones
Closing Hymn
Let My Heart Be A Chapel
Wayne Brosius
Closing Prayer
Eddie Smith

Wednesday Bible Studies

7:00 pm Bible Study
Main Auditorium
Subject - 1 Timothy
7:00 pm Youth Classes
Downstairs Classrooms
Wednesday Evening Devotional Leader
Wayne Brosius


Women's Bible Study  will be Aug 4 after morning services complete with a potato bar. Ladies are asked to read the book of Galatians in preparation.   https://messaging.subsplash.com/NPQ6Q4 
Day Camp Sunday will be today (July 14) and Aug. 11 from 1pm to 7pm. Our Sunday evening services will be incorporated into the camp events. If you are interested in helping today please stay after services for a short meeting.
Our next pot luck with be today after morning services. Come for the food, stay for the fellowship!

Sight & Sound Trip

We will be taking the bus to Sight and Sound in Lancaster on Aug. 2 to see the play "Daniel". The show starts at 3pm, we will be leaving the church parking lot that morning and returning the same day after the show. A sign-up sheet is in the foyer. Tickets cost $76/person

Hershey Park Trip

We will be taking a bus trip to Hershey Park Aug 8. More details will follow.

Magi Project

Aug. 4th Mark Hatfield will be with us to talk about the Magi project. He will be presenting a lesson tying in the program for both the AM Bible Study and Sermon.

Kerr's Korner

Gold Medals

By John Kerr

The Olympics start Friday in Paris, France.  More than 10,000 athletes will compete this year.  The Summer Olympics this year will feature 329 events across 32 sports.  Over 1,000 gold, silver and bronze medals will be given out this year.  Olympic gold medals are required to be made from at least 92.5% silver, and must contain a minimum of 6 grams of gold.  A gold medal is worth a little less than $800.  If a violation is discovered medals can be, and often have been, revoked.

            Many of these athletes dedicate their lives to the sport, and they do it for a medal that will one day be destroyed.  Paul puts things into perspective I Corinthians 9:25 Everyone who competes in the games goes into strict training. They do it to get a crown that will not last; but we do it to get a crown that will last forever.

            I think about the passages that have the phrase “make every effort” as we go into strict training for our crown that will last forever.  Here are a few:
Romans 14: 19Let us therefore make every effort to do what leads to peace and to mutual edification.

Ephesians 4: 3Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace.

Hebrews 4: 11Let us, therefore, make every effort to enter that rest, so that no one will fall by following their example of disobedience.

Hebrews 12: 14Make every effort to live in peace with all men and to be holy; without holiness no one will see the Lord.

II Peter 1: 5For this very reason, make every effort to add to your faith goodness; and to goodness, knowledge; 6and to knowledge, self-control; and to self-control, perseverance; and to perseverance, godliness; 7and to godliness, brotherly kindness; and to brotherly kindness, love. 8For if you possess these qualities in increasing measure, they will keep you from being ineffective and unproductive in your knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Wayne's  Wacky Words

  •  Halfpace: a platform of a staircase where the stair turns back in exactly the reverse direction of the lower flight.

Kerry's Kar Tips

A weekly auto tip from our resident expert!

       Having cleaned up many cars for our used car lot, we feel proud when our vehicles are glistening in the sun.
To me, a car is only clean if the tires are clean, too. Over the years, I've learned a few tricks to make that easier. One of those is using Westley's Tire Cleaner. Spray Westley's on the dry tire, let it set while you prep your car wash bucket, scrub with a brush, and rinse as you spray the rest of the car for washing.

When you're at the car wash, here's a time-saving tip: spray your tires with Westleys before you leave. The car wash will then effortlessly blast the grime off, leaving your tires sparkling clean without any extra effort on your part.
If you like, you can buy different tire dressings at Auto Supply to make the tire shine or a richer black.

Happy Motoring!!


Health needs

Mary Ellen Smith
Resident at Jefferson Manor. In addition to prayers, calls and visits are appreciated.
Sally Smiley
Resident at McKinley (rm 323). In addition to prayers, visits are sure to bring a smile to both Sally and your faces.
Landon Fawcett
Chronic illness that causes tumors throughout his body.
Marshall Moore Sr.
Recovering from recent brain surgery and was just diagnosed with an aggressive brain cancer.
Jason Fetterman
Is recovering quicker than expected but still has much room for God's help.
Margaret Snider
Recently moved to an assisted living due to decreased mobility and health. Margaret attends online from the New Liskeard ON area.
John Meier
Leg amputation and associated pain.
Doris Biggie
Breast cancer.
Roberta Hetrick
Shoulder ball socket surgery complications. The joint has separated.
Steve Delvern
Ongoing battle with lung cancer.
Judy Clinger
Ongoing battle with cancer.
Aldean Dehner
Struggling with health concerns.
Luann Murray
Stroke recovery.
Janice Huber
Health concerns.
Don Shirey
Health issues, recovery from sepsis.
Kerry Stover
Health concerns, hip pain.
Alissa Steffine & Baby
Baby born with heart issues.
John Nichols
Health concerns.
Roger Smith
Health concerns.
Peyton Kerr
Upcoming testing.
Thomasine Hartzke

Happy Birthday!

07/25- Jace Goddard

Serving Next Week 07/28/24

AM Opening Prayer-Ethan Jones
AM Closing Prayer-Russ Goddard
PM Opening Prayer-Mike Hartline
PM Closing Prayer-Bill Fiscus
Wed Devo 07/31-Bill Fiscus

Serving the Lord's Table for July
Wayne Brosius (speaker),Kerry Stover, Kris Smith,
Eddie Smith, Mike Glinkeman

Devotional Reader
Wayne Brosius

Prayer Request Leader
Bill Fiscus

Worship Training Center
Megan Himes

Communion Care
Amanda Smith

Amanda Smith

Livestream (A/V)
Christian Smith & Evie Smith


Happy Anniversary!

07/22- Mike & Maureen Bowley
07/23- Ethan & Hope Jones

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